A downloadable game for Windows

This is a point-and-click stealth game made in GameMaker, which might be obvious by the (working) title being a contraction of "mouse" and "stealth".
Or, it will be when it's finished, at least. Right now there's no gameplay at all.

What? How does that work?

That's what I've been trying to figure out. Basically, imagine Monaco, but it's played with your mouse cursor, and you're not trying to steal anything.

How do I play this?

To begin the game, hover over the little guy in the center of the screen. Holding LMB will prevent the little guy from moving, but will make you invisible to enemies. Press RMB to stop capturing your cursor. Capturing will resume when you hover over the little guy again.

Does this work with touch screen?

Nope, not at all. That might come later, but for now this is a mouse-only game.

Hey! You broke my mouse cursor!!

Your cursor may get stuck if you open the start menu or toggle fullscreen during the game. When this happens, you can usually just press RMB and move your cursor back to where it should be. If RMB does not work, you could try to do whatever you just did in reverse, or just Alt+F4 game.


Windows (64-bit) 3 MB
Version 1 Jan 04, 2024

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